Brainspotting (BSP) is a fairly new powerful modality that works by identifying, processing, and releasing core neuro-physiological sources of emotional and physical pain, and unhealthy coping mechanisms often associated with PTSD.
Brainspotting is an advanced form of trauma therapy that can access parts of the brain that are often hidden from our awareness. Developed by Dr. David Grand, this form of psychotherapy provides a simultaneous form of diagnosis and treatment for trauma by identifying eye positions associated with traumatic memories stored in the brain. Brainspotting strengthens and enhances internal resources and allows contained, gentle, yet deep processing work with attachment issues, dissociative disorders, therapy for childhood trauma, and PTSD treatment. By regulating the brain’s control of the body, brainspotting promotes physical and mental healing. |
How Does Brainspotting Work?
BSP appears to target the right hemisphere, the limbic system (our reptilian brain- fight/fight/freeze) and the brain stem (mid brain). It seems to bypass the neocortex (our thinking brain) take us directly to the deepest parts of your brain involved in emotional regulation. In a session I am trained to assist you in scanning your field of vision where we identify a “brainspot” – an eye position that activates trauma or negative emotion. By identifying a brainspot, you target an area of focused activation in your brain, directly related to the issue you are working on. While you focus on that brainspot and notice your bodily sensations, you are able to process negative emotions to help rewire your brain to more positive associations and feelings. This processing may be done using headphones and listening to music that rhythmically goes back and forth from left to right side. Engaging both hemispheres of your brain with this music, called auditory bilateral stimulation, can have a very calming effect on your nervous system. Brainspotting attempts to reprocess negative emotions by focusing on your body-based sensations rather than your thoughts.